

OpenView Venture Partners
303 Congress Street
Seventh Floor
Boston, MA 02210
United States

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Recent investment activity

KANDO id: 29935

Corporate information

Registration country

Company type

Venture capital firm investing globally in business software companies.


Founded in 2006, OpenView Venture Partners is a venture capital firm investing globally in business software companies. With a mission to improve people's working lives, OpenView's focused investment approach across sector and stage enables the firm to identify and partner with category leading business software companies. The firm's focus extends to operational excellence through its dedicated expansion team working with portfolio companies on go-to-market, sales and marketing, product led growth, talent, and corporate development. The firm is based in Boston and has $1.5 billion in total capital under management.

Funding rounds

Investment preferences

Investment focus themes
Actual initial investment stage

Investment activity status
Active investor

Selected investments

Displaying 26 - 34 of 34
Profile Country Date Funding
Reality Digital Inc N/A
ScriptLogic Corp N/A
Skytap Inc Provider of cloud-based virtual labs N/A
Sonian Inc N/A
UnboundID Corp N/A
United Sample Inc (uSamp) Online panel company, providing survey panelists and technology for use in market research. Series C
VersionOne Inc N/A
Xtium Inc N/A
Zmags Corp N/A

Current team

Past employees

Selected Products / Customers
