Mr Charles Soulignac

KANDO id: 85673


In addition to private equity investment, Charles Soulignac has solid experience in industry, consulting, and finance. He founded Fondinvest Capital in 1994. In 1989, he joined CDC-Participations where he managed investments in private equity funds and direct equity investments. Prior to joining CDC-Participations, Charles was head of the Industrial and Finance Department for Banque Régionale d’Escompte et de Dépôts (BRED). He was in charge of specialized investments, especially France’s first LBOs. Before that, he served in a US management consultancy, then in industry, notably with Potain. He has also served on the Board of Directors of the European Venture Capital Association (EVCA) as well as on its Investor Relations Committee. Charles earned an engineering degree from INSA (Institut National des Sciences Appliquées) in Lyon and an MBA from the CPA (Centre de Perfectionnement des Affaires) in Paris.
