
List of the current and past investors into Cleo AI Ltd with their respective financial instruments.

Profile Country Phone Round
Alex Chesterman Individual investor. Seed
Balderton Capital Management (UK) LLP European early stage venture capital firm United Kingdom +44 (20) 7016-6800 Series A
Entrepreneur First Investment Manager LLP Tehnology incubator that invests in individuals “pre-team, pre-idea” to help create new technology startups. United Kingdom Seed
Errol Damelin Individual investor. Seed
Jason Goodman Individual investor. Seed
Joe White Individual investor. Seed
LocalGlobe UK-based venture capital firm that focuses on seed investments. United Kingdom Seed
LocalGlobe UK-based venture capital firm that focuses on seed investments. United Kingdom Series A
Niklas Zennström Individual investor. Seed
Redbus Investments United Kingdom +44 (20) 7299-8844 Seed
Simon Franks Individual investor. Seed
Siraj Khaliq Individual investor. Seed
Upscale United Kingdom Venture
Wendy Tan White Individual investor. Seed
Zennström Philanthropies Seed