

MMC Ventures Ltd
2 Kensington Square
W8 5EP
United Kingdom

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Recent investment activity

KANDO id: 20186

Corporate information

Official name
MMC Ventures Limited
Registration country

Company type

Venture capital firm a focus on healthcare, financial services, technology, and business support services

Funding rounds

Investment preferences

Minimum investment (USD)
Maximum initial investment (USD)
Industry focus comment
Focus on healthcare, financial services, technology, and business support services.
Investment focus themes
Top investment portfolio themes

Actual initial investment stage
Venture (4)
Seed (1)
N/A (1)

Investment activity status
Active investor

Selected investments

Displaying 51 - 59 of 59
Profile Country Date Funding
VC-Net Video and audio conferencing reseller Venture
Wedo Shopping Venture Initial investment led the round
Base79 Online video rights management and monetisation company Venture Exited
Breathing Buildings Ltd Provider of low energy ventilation systems, using the principles of natural mixing ventilation in winter and natural upward displacement in the summer Series A USD 179,000 (USD 179,000) Exited
CloudSense International provider of cloud software and services within the Salesforce CRM system. Venture Exited
Immedia Broadcasting PLC Music strategies and personalised ‘streaming’ for retail businesses in order to improve their customers’ in-store experience. Venture Exited at 1.94x return.Bruce Macfarlane Exited
Invenias Ltd Provider of software solutions to the executive search and strategic recruitment sector. Venture Exited
The Social Travel Club Ltd (LoveHomeSwap), (Love Home Swap) Subscription market place that facilitates home swapping between subscribes around the world Venture Follow-on investment GBP 850,000 Bruce Macfarlane Exited
The Social Travel Club Ltd (LoveHomeSwap), (Love Home Swap) Subscription market place that facilitates home swapping between subscribes around the world Venture Initial investment Bruce Macfarlane Exited

Current team

Past employees

Selected Products / Customers
