Country Profile Funding round Value Date
Coreweave Inc Modern cloud infrastructure empowering creators and innovators with access to the GPU resources they need to work more efficiently. N/A USD 1,100,000,000
AppCD Inc Tools to generate infrastructure from code. Seed USD 6,000,000
EdgeCore Digital Infrastructure Wholesale data center developer, owner and operator. Debt USD 1,900,000,000
DuploCloud Inc Cloud app provisioning startup. Series B USD 32,000,000
VMware Inc Provider of virtualisation solutions Acquisition USD 69,000,000,000
Heartex End-to-end solution for managing internal data labeling projects. Series A USD 25,000,000
Argonaut Argonaut automatically generates the terraform, app deployment, and CI / CD configurations for infra and app deployments on your cloud. Seed
Cloudanix Cloud and container security platform. Seed
Continual Inc Next-generation AI platform for the modern data stack powered by end-to-end automation and a declarative workflow. Seed USD 4,000,000
Coreweave Inc Modern cloud infrastructure empowering creators and innovators with access to the GPU resources they need to work more efficiently. N/A USD 50,000,000


Provider of virtualisation solutions

Wholesale data center developer, owner and operator.

Modern cloud infrastructure empowering creators and innovators with access to the GPU resources they need to work more efficiently.

Radically new IT infrastructure technology company for the modern data center and the cloud.

Platform that provides developers with the fundamental building blocks they need to create decentralized applications.

Distributed computing made simple by enabling developers to easily build applications that run at any scale, from a laptop to a data center.

Cloud app provisioning startup.

End-to-end solution for managing internal data labeling projects.

Collaborative data training platform that creates and manages labeled data for machine learning applications.

Tools to generate infrastructure from code.

Next-generation AI platform for the modern data stack powered by end-to-end automation and a declarative workflow.

Network resource provisioning.

Next-generation CDN for fast, secure, and scalable experiences.

Transcoding and media streaming solutions that allow video content to be played on any device and in any browser without buffering.

Cloud management.

DSL network management systems.

Provider of open cloud infrastructure as a service.