Mr William Horlick

KANDO id: 13780


Joined Elderstreet in 1998. Prior to joining Elderstreet, was managing director of a London based mail order company and spent seven years in investment banking and stockbroking. At Elderstreet has worked on over 35 company investments. Was an original investment committee member of Staffing Ventures, an AIM-quoted company, and on the Advisory Panel of the UK Technology Forum for three years. The investment manager for Elderstreet VCT plc, Bedford Row VCT plc and the Smith and Williamson EIS portfolio. Has held several board seats on Elderstreet portfolio companies. Was on the board of Dow Carter (sold to the Engine Group in 2007) and Business Auctions (sold to IT auctions Ltd in 2007). Completed Officer Training at RMA Sandhurst.
